Announcing the Alternative Careers in Travel Audio Series!
Learn on-the-go by listening to some top travel leaders and entrepreneurs about how to build a successful travel niche in some of the most popular travel industry careers!

Think virtual career fair, but way more fun :)

Interviews are live and available exclusively on this Audio Series' Private Podcast Feed.
Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just...

Dip your toe for a few minutes to learn about different opportunities in travel

Ponder a new career or a new way to monetize your current venture

Hear stories of success from other people within the travel industry, and how you can adapt that to what you currently do

If you've ever felt stumped with where to start, or how to further make income within the industry, this audio series is for you.

It's the event myself and many of the speakers wish we had available to us when we were first getting started in travel, and we're so excited for you to listen in and get inspired.

About your Host

It's me, it's me!  Fellow travel business owner, travel industry disruptor, diversity champion, autoimmune warrior, and tv/movie nerd.

Formally, my name is Rita M. Perez and I love helping you bridge the gap from knowledge unknown to known, so you can better equip yourself to be a strategic travel entrepreneur.

Start streaming now and start ascending in your travel business!
Meet our Featured Speakers
harry alvarez
Offbeat Travel
Career: Destination Management Company
melissa erskine
iDream TA Solutions
Career: Travel Industry Virtual Assistant
debbie horrilleno
Business Development Manager
Globus Family of Brands
Career: Business Development Manager
nina clapperton
She Knows SEO
Career: Travel Blogger and SEO Expert
jackie friedman
Nexion Travel Group
Career: Host Agency Executive mentoring Travel Advisors
sahara rose de vore
The Travel Coach Network
Career: Travel Coach specializing in wellness
danielle desir corbett
The Thought Card
Career: Travel Podcaster and Podcasting Coach
karla fritz
SF Virtual Solutions
Career: Travel Industry Virtual Assistant
cheryl rosen
Freelance Travel Writer and Columnist
Travel Research Online
Career: Travel Writer for the Travel Trade

A private podcast feed is a new, easy way to learn without having to sit at your computer, fidgeting for hours.

This way you can listen to the feed, while you're doing other tasks like waiting on hold, flying to your next destination, or doing laundry.

New to private podcasts? Let me break it down.

  • What is a Private Podcast?
    A private audio feed that you can listen to via your favorite free podcast app. Perks of this format include speed control, uninterrupted playback even while multi-tasking, and your app will save your place in the feed so you never have to struggle to pick up where you left off.
  • Why you'll love this format!
    If you’ve ever tried to listen to a course while cooking, exercising, or multitasking you know - video players demand to be the center of attention. If you open your messenger app or flip over to that recipe, the content stops playing. Private podcast feeds are designed to run and play in the background uninterrupted. There’s NO video content, just audio, and trust me, your eyes will thank you for the break!
  • Who it's best suited for?
    This format is perfect for folks who prefer to listen before implementing, who like to multitask while learning new concepts, or who are sick of viewing video-only content.
  • Where can I tune in?
    Once you’ve added the private podcast feed to your favorite podcast app, you’ll be able to listen anywhere, anytime - without data. So tune in while folding laundry, taking a walk with your dog, cruising at 35,000 feet, or sitting at your kiddo’s gymnastics class. The best part? Unlike video content, your podcast app will run seamlessly in the background and save your spot. No more trying to guess where you left off!
  • When will I get access?
    There are a total of 8 episodes. As soon as you sign up, I’ll send you your unique link to access the private podcast content.
  • How can I access this?
    You’ll be able to play the private podcast via your favorite free podcast app, like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, and more. You can listen from any Apple or Android device, or your desktop computer.

    If you prefer listening from your phone, I would highly recommend opening the feed email from your phone.
Start listening now! 
With the Alternative Careers in Travel Audio Series, get ready to…

Feel empowered to take the action needed to level up your travel business, part time venture, monetize a new income stream, or even try out a career you hadn't thought of before!

Crush your income goals with a career you're passionate about

Help travelers experience their travel dreams with your unique perspective

Strategize your next career steps with your newfound knowledge

I had to pull the car over!

I was so dang proud to be a part of the Travel Tech Audio Summit.  I was excited to listen to my peers.  I learned so much, and I'm still learning, even when I'm talking to some of these people every week.

Travel Tech Audio Summit Speaker
I loved the Travel Tech Audio Series!

I love that they were thoughtful about what could truly help make a travel advisors work flow better! I enjoyed their personalities. All the sessions reminded me how collaborative our industry is :)

Jill C., Jill Beth Travel
Travel Tech Audio Summit Listener
Have a burning question?
  • Will there be replays?
    Once the audio summit goes live, you'll have access to listen to each episode at your leisure for as many times as you'd like :)
  • Who is this summit for?
    The summit episodes were specifically recorded with travel advisors in mind, but I fully believe anyone within the industry and anyone travel industry curious can also find value in the interviews.
  • Will there be transcripts?
    Yes! There will be AI-generated transcripts available for reading. Please excuse any errors that might be present, in advance.
  • I have another question.
    Great! Feel free to message me at rita@steeryourmarketing.com for another question not listed here.
Ready to learn about the different avenues you can work within the travel industry, without having to spend hours in front of a computer watching a webinar?
Save my spot now!

Contact information

Billing address

But wait, there's more!

Ascending in your Travel Business Audio Series, only $9!
Listen to five travel entrepreneurs about their journey of reaching the CEO-level of being a travel agency owner. 

The series is jam-packed with business/marketing strategies and inspiration!

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xAlternatives Career in Travel$9

All prices in USD


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